A Strategic Call for Transformational Prayer for our Schools

  • Do you have one hour a week that you could spend befriending a student this school year?  Perhaps you even know someone else -- your grandparent, your neighbor, your friend -- who might have an hour.  Click here to get more information about making a difference in a student's life -- ONE CHILD, ONE HOUR, SAME TIME, SAME PLACE -- each week so that they know they are valued, they are loved and that God has a purpose for their life. You will be matched with a student at a school of your choice. 

  • Have you taken a minute to think of others that you might share the opportunity of PRAYSA10K with?  Share this website on your Facebook page, by email or other social media to help us reach our goal of 10,000 believers praying in San Antonio for our schools. 

  • What about sharing for a couple of minutes with you Sunday School class, your small group, or neighbors about this opportunity.  Click here for a flyer you might share with others. 

  • ​What about a bumper sticker for your car?  Click here and order yours today. 

What else can I do??